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Who We Are

SafetyWatch is a dedicated advocate for the victims and families of catastrophic events. Providing education and tools to the public to build safer communities.

Expert Analysis

Contributing experts for SafetyWatch come from all over the world. They include industry leaders in the fields of engineering, medicine, accident reconstruction, forensic investigation, and more.

All The Latest News

SafetyWatch has a team of dedicated writers to report on breaking news and covering catastrophic events that impact communities across the country.


Providing Access to Information For a Safer Future

Whether it is a catastrophic event, tragic accident, or safety recall, SafetyWatch is dedicated to bringing this information to communities and providing them with the tools to improve safety standards.

Bringing You Today's News and Keeping You Informed

Sharing stories that arm communities with analysis and research to provide them with the tools to advocate for safer, responsible, and accountable safety standards.

Our Writers

SafetyWatch has writers covering stories around the clock to keep you informed on what is going on in communities around you. Our writers are accomplished journalists who have written hundreds of front page articles. They extensively research and analyze each consumer related issue.

Complex Topics

SafetyWatch covers a vast number of complex topics and events that involve analysis by forensic experts, engineers, accident reconstruction investigators, and experts leading extensive research and analysis.

Leading Experts

SafetyWatch has expert contributors that are leaders in their respective industries. Many of our experts have provided hundreds of hours of testimony, thousands of hours of research, and are published in authoritative journals and publications.

Advocacy for a Safer Future

SafetyWatch strives to arm consumers by giving them access to tools, information, and resources to make informed decisions that impact future safety standards. SafetyWatch holds the negligent responsible and accountable for their impact on safety.

Our Latest News

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About Our Sponsors

TORKLAW is an award winning law firm representing victims and families of tragic accidents.


Connecting you with advocates for justice.

Sponsored by TorkLaw, a national Tier-1 law firm that is dedicated to representing victims and families of tragic accidents.  For the past 5 years in a row, TorkLaw has been named by US World News & Report as Best Law Firm for Personal Injury and Product Liability Litigation.